Change is happening every day
Join our efforts so we can continue to improve the life of BAME children in a tangible way.
At Lending Hope we believe that every child deserves a chance for a better future, no matter their background, financial status or ability.
BAME families often face barriers...
Barriers to well paid work.
Barriers to better healthcare.
Barriers to a high level education.
Lending Hope is breaking through these barriers with your help.
Read on for additional stories that highlight the impact of your involvement.
Love more. Give more. Change more.
Join our efforts and improve the lives of BAME children in a tangible way.
Wondering how we measure success?
As part of the Lending Hope enrollment process a comprehensive profile, including all relevant details, is created for each child/family on a dedicated database. This information is constantly updated based on the services provided and the evolving needs of each beneficiary. Lending Hope's experienced project manager is closely involved during the entire planning and rolling out stages of each program, setting carefully-selected parameters for the targets and goals of each one. Upon completion of a project, the manager evaluates its performance against original targets and creates a report. These reports are later used to evaluate the need for additional services, while enabling us to improve recurring programs. Service user feedback also plays a large role, serving as a springboard for future services with a clearer picture of actual beneficiary requirements.
Amplify your giving!
At Lending Hope we gauge our giving in accordance with incoming donations.
We so much want to give, but when funds are limited, so is our ability to help.
That’s where regular giving comes in.
When we can rely on a steady flow through committed monthly donations, we are able to increase our giving exponentially.
Commit more. Give more. Change even more!
Sign up for monthly donations to support our ongoing efforts.